ALTEGRAD lab answer sheet template
Antoine Tixier
Last Updated
5 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
ALTEGRAD lab answer sheet template
ALTEGRAD lab answer sheet template
% TITLE VARIABLES (identify your work!)
\newcommand{\yourname}{YOURNAME} % replace YOURNAME with your name
\newcommand{\youremail}{YOUREMAIL} % replace YOUREMAIL with your email
\newcommand{\assignmentnumber}{LABNUMBER} % replace X with the lab session number
% TITLE SECTION (do not modify unless you really need to)
% ASSIGNMENT CONTENT (add your responses)
\section{Question 1}
This is my answer to question 1. Below is an equation:
\section{Question 2}
This is my answer to question 2, with a reference to Fig. \ref{fig:gow}
\caption{This is a caption. \label{fig:gow}}
\section{Question 3}
This is my answer to question 3, with a citation \cite{vaswani2017attention}.
\bibliography{references} % citation records are in the references.bib document