AENEAS Memo Template
Last Updated:
8 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Memo template for the EU H2020 AENEAS Project

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Memo template for the EU H2020 AENEAS Project
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%rubber: module pdflatex
\usepackage{aeneas_doc} % AENEAS style file
%%%%%%%%% START OF USER SETTINGS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\def\mujybm {${\rm \mu}$Jy\,beam$^{-1}$}
\def\mjybm {${\rm m}$Jy\,beam$^{-1}$}
\def\muJy {${\rm \mu}$Jy}
% Enter here some information needed to fill in the template Title to appear
% on the front pages (will be filled in via the \aeneasfrontpage command)
\newcommand{\bigdoctitle}{Document Title\xspace}
% Title to go in the "Document Status Sheet" Document number
% Context
\newcommand{\context}{(Work Package 3)}
% Revision
% Author(s)
% Lead author (goes in the footer)
% Release date (YYYY-MM-DD)
% Document classification
% Status of the document (draft/final/etc.)
% The definitions below are used for the signature tables in the preamble of
% the document
\newcommand{\firstsigname}{Name 1 - to be filled in}
\newcommand{\firstsigdesignation}{Designation 1 - to be filled in}
\newcommand{\firstsigaffiliation}{Affiliation 1 - to be filled in}
\newcommand{\secondsigname}{Name 2 - to be filled in}
\newcommand{\secondsigdesignation}{Designation 2 - to be filled in}
\newcommand{\secondsigaffiliation}{Affiliation 2 - to be filled in}
% Table with version numbers
\bf{Version} & {\bf Date of issue} & {\bf Prepared by} & {\bf Comments}\\
1.0 & & & \\
%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF USER SETTINGS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Table with signatures
Name & Designation & Affilitation\\
{#1} & {#2} & {#3}\\
Signature \& Date: & & \\
& & \\
& & \\
% Table with affiliations
\sffamily{\bf ORGANISATION DETAILS}\end{center}
Name & AENEAS Project Consortium\\
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% START YOUR DOCUMENT HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% load automatic pages
% Add here the abbreviations used in your document
\item[SOMETHING] Something \vspace{-0.2cm}
\item[OTHER] Other something \vspace{-0.2cm}
\item[OTHER] Other other something \vspace{-0.2cm}
% Add here the symbols used in your document
\item[$N_\mathrm{something}$] Number of somethings \vspace{-0.2cm}
\item[OTHER] Other something \vspace{-0.2cm}
\item[OTHER] Other other something \vspace{-0.2cm}
% Add here the executive summary
% Add to the table the list of applicable and reference documents
% (this is NOT meant for your usual bibiliography, only for SKA docs)
\subsection*{Applicable Documents}
The following documents are applicable to the extent stated herein. In the
event of conflict between the contents of the applicable documents and this
document, \emph{the applicable documents} shall take precedence.
\bf{Reference} & \bf{Reference}\\
\bf{Number} & \\
\subsection*{Reference Documents}
The following documents are referenced in this document. In the event of
conflict between the contents of the referenced documents and this document,
\emph{this document} shall take precedence.
\bf{Reference} & \bf{Reference}\\
\bf{Number} & \\
% The actual content goes here
\section{Section One}
\section{Section Two}
% or use \input{} or \include{} for individual sections
And here also.
% Add the bibliography
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End: