
70+ ATS rating Resume Template
Prashant Singh
Last Updated:
2 года назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Easy to follow Resume Template

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Resume in Latex
% Author
% License : MIT
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\newcommand{\name}{Prashant Singh} % Your Name
\newcommand{\course}{Computer Science and Engineering} % Your Program
\newcommand{\roll}{xxxxxxx} % Your Roll No.
\newcommand{\phone}{xxxxxxxx} % Your Phone Number
\newcommand{\emaila}{prashantxxxxx@gmail.com} %Email 1
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{L r} \\
\textbf{\Large \name} & {\raisebox{0.0\height}{\footnotesize \faPhone}\ +91-\phone}\\
{Roll No.: \roll } & \href{mailto:\emaila}{\raisebox{0.0\height}{\footnotesize \faEnvelope}\ {\emaila}} \\
Bachelor of Technology & \href{https://github.com/xxxxx}{\raisebox{0.0\height}{\footnotesize \faGithub}\ {GitHub Profile}} \\
{Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur} & \href{www.linkedin.com/in/xxxx/}{\raisebox{0.0\height}{\footnotesize \faLinkedin}\ {LinkedIn Profile}}
{Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering(Cyber Security)}{CGPA: xx}
{Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur}{2020-24}
\section{\textbf{Personal Projects}}
{Web Based Facial Authentication(Liveness Detection)} %Project Name
{A website based facial authentication system, implemented using a Chrome Extension.} %Project Name, Location Name
{} %Event Dates
\item {Facilitating users' logins to websites without having to remember their credentials}
\item {Used Live detection techniques to create high order security.}
\item {Technology Used: Python, Reactjs, Bootstrap.}
{Realtime Chat App} %Project Name
{A react based web application which allow users to chat in real time. } %Project Name, Location Name
{} %Event Dates
\item {Used Firebase Authentication(SDK) to facilitate authentication \& Cloud Firestore to store data.}
\item {Technology Used: Reactjs, Firebase, Bootstrap, HTML.}
{Covid-19 Tracker} %Project Name
{Daily and weekly updated statistics tracking the number of COVID-19 cases, recovered, and deaths.} %Project Name, Location Name
{} %Event Dates
\item {Tracking world-wide cases using google maps and live API stats and datasets.}
\item {Technology Used : JavaScript , CSS, HTML, API.
{AWS Cloud Virtual Internship}{Online}
{AICTE-Eduskills}{May - July 2023}
\item {In-depth understanding of AWS cloud computing services, including EC2, S3, RDS, Lambda, IAM, VPC, and more.}
\item {Proficient in designing, deploying, and managing fault-tolerant, highly available, and scalable AWS solutions.}
\item {Strong knowledge of architectural best practices, such as AWS Well-Architected Framework, security, performance, and cost optimization.}
\item {Hands-on experience in cloud infrastructure provisioning, monitoring, and automation using AWS Management Console and AWS CLI.}
{Palo Alto Cybersecurity Virtual Internship}{Online}
{AICTE-Eduskills}{Dec 2022 - Feb 2023}
\item {Learned the fundamentals of Security Operations Center (SOC).}
\item {Learned basics of Network \& Cloud Security.}
%-----------Technical skills-----------------
\section{\textbf{Technical Skills and Interests}}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.05in, label={}]
\textbf{Languages}{: C/C++, Python, Javascript, HTML+CSS } \\
\textbf{Libraries }{: C++ STL, Python Libraries, ReactJs }\\
\textbf{Web Dev Tools}{: Nodejs, VScode, Git, Github } \\
\textbf{Frameworks}{: ReactJs } \\
\textbf{Cloud/Databases}{:MongoDb, Firebase, Relational Database(mySql) } \\
\textbf{Relevent Coursework}{: Data Structures \& Algorithms, Operating Systems, Object Oriented Programming, Database Management System, Software Engineering. } \\
\textbf{Areas of Interest}{: Web Design and Development, Cloud Security.} \\
\textbf{Soft Skills}{: Problem Solving, Self-learning, Presentation, Adaptability} \\
%-----------Positions of Responsibility-----------------
\section{\textbf{Positions of Responsibility}}
\resumePOR{On Desk Registrations Volunteer } % Position
{Aarhant Cyber Week Event - RCOEM, Nagpur} %Club,Event
{Oct - Dec 2022} %Tenure Period \\
\item {Helped to attract close to 300 attendees to the event.}
\item {Collected over Rs. 20,000 in entry fees for different activities.}
% %-----------Achievements-----------------
% \section{\textbf{Achievements}}
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% \resumePOR{Achievement } % Award
% {description} % Event
% {Event dates} %Event Year
% \resumePOR{Achievement } % Award
% {description} % Event
% {Event dates} %Event Year
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