Example: Linear Regression with pgfplots
Last Updated
11 лет назад
Other (as stated in the work)
Example: Linear Regression with pgfplots
% from http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/117409/linear-regression-trend-line-with-pgfplots
\title{Example: Linear Regression with pgfplots}
legend style={font=\footnotesize}}
xlabel={Glukosekonzentration [\si{\gram\per\liter}]},
ylabel={Absorption $[-]$},
legend cell align=left,
legend pos=north west]
\addplot[only marks] table[row sep=\\]{
X Y\\
0.1 0.147\\
0.1 0.165\\
0.8 0.918\\
0.8 1.149\\
\addplot table[row sep=\\,
y={create col/linear regression={y=Y}}] % compute a linear regression from the
%input table
X Y\\
0.1 0.147\\
0.1 0.165\\
0.8 0.918\\
0.8 1.149\\
$\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfplotstableregressiona} \cdot x
\pgfmathprintnumber[print sign]{\pgfplotstableregressionb}$ lin. Regression} %