Dodecahedron desk calendar with 2016 Turkish holidays
Gökçe Mehmet AY
Last Updated
9 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Turkish translation for Dodecahedron desk calendar with 2016 holidays
Turkish translation for Dodecahedron desk calendar with 2016 holidays
%\title{Dodecahedron desk calendar}
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% Folding + calendar example from the PGF manual.
% Author: Till Tantau
%\usepackage[turkish]{babel} % Adding Turkish Babel crashes
\usepackage[turkish]{translator} % Translations for month names
:Title: Foldable dodecahedron with Calendar
:Tags: Calendars; Manual
:Author: Till Tantau
An example of the folding library and the folding library, straight from
the manual.
\begin{tikzpicture}[transform shape,
every calendar/.style={
week list,
month label above centered,
month text=\bfseries\textcolor{red}{\%mt} \%y0,
if={(Sunday) [black!50]}
folding line length=2.5cm,
face 1={ \calendar [dates=\the\year-01-01 to \the\year-01-last];},
face 2={ \calendar [dates=\the\year-02-01 to \the\year-02-last];},
face 3={ \calendar [dates=\the\year-03-01 to \the\year-03-last];},
face 4={ \calendar (special) [dates=\the\year-04-01 to \the\year-04-last];},
face 5={ \calendar (special) [dates=\the\year-05-01 to \the\year-05-last];},
face 6={ \calendar [dates=\the\year-06-01 to \the\year-06-last];},
face 7={ \calendar (special) [dates=\the\year-07-01 to \the\year-07-last];},
face 8={ \calendar (special) [dates=\the\year-08-01 to \the\year-08-last];},
face 9={ \calendar (special) [dates=\the\year-09-01 to \the\year-09-last];},
face 10={\calendar (special) [dates=\the\year-10-01 to \the\year-10-last];},
face 11={\calendar [dates=\the\year-11-01 to \the\year-11-last];},
face 12={\calendar [dates=\the\year-12-01 to \the\year-12-last];}
%%%% Adding holidays :) %%%%%%%%
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node[shape=circle,fill=orange!40!white,draw=none] at (special-2016-04-23) {};
\node[shape=circle,fill=orange!40!white,draw=none] at (special-2016-05-19) {};
\node[shape=kite, fill=orange!40!white,draw=none] at (special-2016-07-05) {};
\node[shape=circle, fill=orange!40!white,draw=none] at (special-2016-07-06) {};
\node[shape=circle, fill=orange!40!white,draw=none] at (special-2016-07-07){};
\node[shape=circle, fill=orange!40!white,draw=none] at (special-2016-08-30){};
\node[shape=kite, fill=orange!40!white,draw=none] at (special-2016-09-11){};
\node[shape=circle, fill=orange!40!white,draw=none] at (special-2016-09-12){};
\node[shape=circle, fill=orange!40!white,draw=none] at (special-2016-09-13){};
\node[shape=circle, fill=orange!40!white,draw=none] at (special-2016-09-14){};
\node[shape=circle, fill=orange!40!white,draw=none] at (special-2016-09-15){};
\node[shape=kite, fill=orange!40!white,draw=none] at (special-2016-10-28){};
\node[shape=circle, fill=orange!40!white,draw=none] at (special-2016-10-29){};