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Welcome To Our New Customers: The National Institute of Optics (INO) and National Research Council Canada (NRC-CNRC) NRC Digital Technologies

Kate · November 17, 2020

We’re excited to announce the following new customers!

  • The National Institute of Optics (INO)
  • National Research Council Canada (NRC-CNRC) NRC Digital Technologies

The National Institute of Optics (INO)

The National Institute of Optics (INO) in Italy has signed up to our institution-wide Overleaf Commons solution providing all students and faculty with access to Overleaf Professional Accounts. These premium accounts will enable them to harness the full power of Overleaf in their collaborative writing and publishing, and provide premium features like reference management, document history and track changes.

The National Institute of Optics (INO) has been working for over ninety years in the field of Optics. It’s main activities include pure and applied research, technology transfer and training. These are accompanied by metrology, consulting, and testing services for both public institutions and private companies.

If you're a student, faculty or staff member at The National Institute of Optics, start taking advantage of this fantastic benefit by connecting your existing Overleaf account or registering for a new Overleaf account via the The National Institute of Optics Portal.

National Research Council Canada (NRC-CNRC) NRC Digital Technologies

The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) has subscribed to an Overleaf Group Collaborator account. Access to Overleaf’s premium accounts enables their scientists and engineers to collaborate easily across their LaTeX projects, while accessing the power of track changes & document history, advanced reference search and integrations with Dropbox, Github, Mendeley and Zotero.

The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) is Canada's largest federal research and development organization. The NRC partners with Canadian industry to take research impacts from the lab to the marketplace, where people can experience the benefits. This market-driven focus delivers innovation faster, enhances people's lives and addresses some of the world's most pressing problems. Each year NRC scientists, engineers and business experts work closely with thousands of Canadian firms, helping them bring new technologies to market.

Interested in an Overleaf Account?

If you think your institution or company would be interested in premium accounts, you can find out more at Overleaf for Institutions or please get in touch with us and we can provide more information and pricing.


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