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БлогPosts tagged “founders”

  • John · July 1, 2021

    Eight million users! Plus some cool new stuff!

    One year ago, we reached the milestone of having six million total registered users worldwide. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

    One year on, and two million more of you have started using Overleaf! 🎉🎉

    Just a few weeks ago in June, the eight millionth user registered for an account on Overleaf, as the LaTeX community continues to grow and expand. We’ve also seen peaks of over 400k daily active users in 2021, which is another record!

    This is amazing, and we’d like to send a message of thanks to everyone who uses, shares, collaborates upon, and champions Overleaf! You’re all fantastic!

  • John · July 1, 2020

    Reaching six million users in an unprecedented six months

    It has certainly been an unexpected six months since the start of 2020. Back on January 1st, when we all celebrated the start of the new year, none of us expected the lockdown and global pandemic that would follow, nor the events in the USA that would galvanise Black Lives Matter around the world.

    In amongst all of this, in early June we reached the milestone of six million users worldwide, after hitting five million last November. We also saw our best-ever month for active users in May, driven both by the natural growth of Overleaf we’ve seen each year since we started back in 2012, and also the accelerated move to online collaborative tools in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic which has swept across the globe in a few short months.

  • John · November 28, 2019

    Celebrating over five million users, a quarter million daily actives, and over five years of dedicated user support

    Earlier this month we hit a number of significant milestones at Overleaf that we’d like to share with you all 😊

  • John · March 27, 2019

    Wow—Four million people now use Overleaf!

    4,047,647 to be exact. Well, exact for at least one instant in time 😊

    On behalf of the whole Overleaf team, I'd like to say:

    Thank you. We've always tried to put you—our users—first, aiming to provide the best tool for editing and collaborating on LaTeX documents online whilst simultaneously growing as a business and as a team.

    These past two years have seen some of the biggest changes—and the biggest advances—as Overleaf and ShareLaTeX joined together to create Overleaf v2. It's not always been the simplest of integrations, but we've done our best to make it a smooth transition and get it all running as one.

    Whether you're someone just starting out, creating your first LaTeX documents on Overleaf, or someone who's been writing since early days of TeX itself, we're doing our best to make Overleaf easy and convenient to use regardless.

    We appreciate all the love and support you show us (which is shared internally on our #overleaf-testimonials Slack channel!), and are looking forward to the next four million users...and the learnings that will undoubtably bring!

    Thanks again—you're all amazing 😊

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  • May 1, 2018

    Try out Overleaf v2

    Since Overleaf joined forces with ShareLaTeX last year, our goal has been to create an online editor that outshines both ShareLaTeX and Overleaf. One that is simple to get started with for beginners, has powerful collaboration features for teams, and that seamlessly integrates with the other tools and publishers you work with.

    We’ve come a long way since we started last July, and there’s still a lot of work to do, but we’re excited to announce that as of this month you can try out the new Overleaf v2 editor!


Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.