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  • Posted by Kate on October 16, 2019

    September is always a busy month for us here at Overleaf, as for a lot of our users it marks the start of the new academic year, bringing with it a mixture of new and returning students, along with the researchers and teachers preparing for their new classes. So welcome back if you’ve just been on a summer break!

    Since the launch of Overleaf v2, we’ve continued to work hard behind the scenes to make many updates and improvements to the platform (including the newly released TeXLive 2018 image), and we appreciate everyone that’s written in to report bugs or with feature suggestions; you all help us make Overleaf better for everyone.

  • Posted on October 15, 2019

    Today we released a small but hopefully very useful update to the Share modal in the Overleaf editor: project owners can now change their existing collaborators' permissions without having to remove and re-invite them!


  • Posted by John on October 10, 2019

    On 10 October, at 02:40 GMT, an outage at one of our infrastructure providers caused a site-wide outage at Overleaf, which lasted for approximately 40 minutes. During this time, most users were not able to access their projects on Overleaf.

    When the provider recovered, Overleaf came back online. However, during this restart, a component of one of our services did not restart correctly. Unfortunately, this led to an incident affecting access control, as summarized in this post mortem.

  • Posted by Kate on September 26, 2019

    We’re excited to announce the following new institutional customers!

    • Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology
    • Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH)
    • Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)
  • Posted by Roberta Cucuzza on September 25, 2019

    Hello everyone. I’m Roberta, one of the new product managers here at Overleaf, and I want to tell you how we recently organized a REMOTE hackathon! You might be thinking of broken up conversations over a dodgy connection, people not hearing properly what is going on in the ‘conference room’ etc. etc. - we’ve all been there. But thankfully none of that happened. In fact, our remote hackathon was such a blast that we are planning on making it a regular thing.

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