Vishnu Dhanabalan's CV
Vishnu Dhanabalan
Last Updated:
9 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Vishnu Dhanabalan's CV

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Vishnu Dhanabalan's CV
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\namesection{Vishnu Vardhan}{Dhanabalan}
{131 Dell st, Syracuse, NY 13210 |
\href{mailto:vdhanaba@syr.edu}{vdhanaba@syr.edu} | 315.560.3045 | \urlstyle{same}\url{linkedin.com/in/vishnudhanabalan}
\subsection{Syracuse University}
\descript{M.S. in Electrical Engineering}
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\location{Dec 2015 | Syracuse, NY}
\subsection{Anna University}
\descript{B.E. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering}
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\location{May 2013 | Chennai, India}
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C/C++ \textbullet{} Python \textbullet{} Java \textbullet{} Assembly
DSP kit coding \textbullet{} \LaTeX \textbullet{} familiar with JavaScript
\subsection{Software Tools}
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MATLAB \textbullet{} Simulink \textbullet{} MS Visual Studio \textbullet{} Eclipse \textbullet{} Xcode \textbullet{} various DAWs \textbullet{} Perforce \textbullet{} GIT
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Motorola DSP563xx family \textbullet{} Raspberry Pi \textbullet{} BeagleBone XM and Black \textbullet{} Arduino
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Windows \textbullet{} Mac OS \textbullet{} Ubuntu \textbullet{} Rasbian
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Digital Audio Signal Processing\\
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Real-time Signal Processing\\
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Embedded System Design\\
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Control of Robots\\
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Modern Radar Tracking\\
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Electronic Circuit Design\\
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Object Oriented Programming\\
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Data Structures\\
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Micro controllers and processors
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\subsection{Guitar Distortion using VST plugins}
shortlisted for final round of International Student Design competition at Audio Engineering Society Convention, New York City, 2015.
\runsubsection{Euphony Inc.}
\descript{| Speech Processing Software Developer intern }
\location{Sep 2015 - Dec 2015 | Syracuse, NY}
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\item Developed a prototype for assisting people with speech disorders like Dysprosody.
\item Created MATLAB System objects for implementing preprocessing techniques on recorded voice samples.
\item Worked with mobile and web application developers to transform the prototype into a working model.
\runsubsection{The MathWorks Inc.}
\descript{| DSP System Toolbox Development intern }
\location{May 2015 - Aug 2015 | Natick, MA}
\item Developed and tested demo examples for beta release of a new upcoming System Toolbox.
\item Worked closely with user experience specialist to evaluate feedback from usability sessions on various features in the System Toolbox.
\item Created System objects and Simulink blocks for echo, flanger, chorus effects and delay filter. Programmed in C++ and MATLAB to support interpreted execution and code-gen in Simulink.
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\runsubsection{Distortion effect VST Plugin in C++ using RackAFX} \location{Oct 2015}
Created VST audio plugins for guitar distortion effect, by digitally modeling the analog circuit. Programmed the plugin in C++ by utilizing open source VST plugin API, RackAFX and Visual Studio in Windows platform. Tested the plugin with in-built RackAFX frequency analyzers and in several Digital Audio Workstations.
\runsubsection{Short Time Fourier Transform of speech signal in C} \location{Sep 2014}
Designed an optimized STFT algorithm for analyzing the spectral behavior of speech signal. Applied strong programming skills in C as well as improvised the application by allowing users to choose window type, size and shifting length. Emphasized the representation of the STFT output by plotting time and frequency data.
\runsubsection{Variable fractional delay System Object in MATLAB and C++} \location{May 2015 – Aug 2015}
Developed the algorithm for variable fractional delaying with feedback using linear interpolation technique and circular buffering. Coded in C++ (MEX) and MATLAB (Codegen) and optimized the System object to run at 32 samples per frame without dropping any samples.
\runsubsection{Acoustic Echo Cancellation using NLMS in MATLAB} \location{Sep 2014}
Engineered a prototype model for AEC using normalized least mean square adaptive filtering in MATLAB. Used dry voice signal as far end and echoed far end convoluted with another dry voice signal as near end signal. Implemented NLMS algorithm to update adaptive filter coefficient. Verified the functionality by comparing output and the near end signal.
\runsubsection{Real-time compressor in audio DSP56300 using assembly language} \location{April – May 2014}
Implemented the audio compressor algorithm, which comprises of RMS filtering, threshold detecting, attack and release mechanisms in MATLAB to check numeric accuracy and performance. Optimized the algorithm and coded it in PPC block of Motorola audio DSP56300 using assembly language. Evaluated the real-time performance of the process using DVD and microphone input and speaker output.
\runsubsection{The COP Robot} \location{April – May 2015}
Engineered an autonomous object-tracking robot that runs in open source computer vision tool OpenCV. Customized DFRobot Turtle 2WD mobile robot to design a robot with Raspberry Pi, Arduino and L293D bridge motor controller. Programmed the code in Python using OpenCV library for object detection and Arduino board serial communication.
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