Rachit Bansal's CV
Rachit Bansal
Last Updated
5 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
CV of Rachit Bansal. Created with the Deedy CV template.
CV of Rachit Bansal. Created with the Deedy CV template.
% Deedy - One Page Two Column Resume
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.2 (16/9/2014)
% Original author:
% Debarghya Das (http://debarghyadas.com)
% Original repository:
% https://github.com/deedydas/Deedy-Resume
% This template uses several fonts not included with Windows/Linux by
% default. If you get compilation errors saying a font is missing, find the line
% on which the font is used and either change it to a font included with your
% operating system or comment the line out to use the default font.
% 1. Integrate biber/bibtex for article citation under publications.
% 2. Figure out a smoother way for the document to flow onto the next page.
% 3. Add styling information for a "Projects/Hacks" section.
% 4. Add location/address information
% 5. Merge OpenFont and MacFonts as a single sty with options.
% v1.1:
% 1. Fixed several compilation bugs with \renewcommand
% 2. Got Open-source fonts (Windows/Linux support)
% 3. Added Last Updated
% 4. Move Title styling into .sty
% 5. Commented .sty file.
% Known Issues:
% 1. Overflows onto second page if any column's contents are more than the
% vertical limit
% 2. Hacky space on the first bullet point on the second column.
{ \urlstyle{same}{M-172, Vikas Puri, New Delhi, India- 110018}\\
\href{mailto:rachitbansal2500@gmail.com}{rachitbansal2500@gmail.com} | 9205677801
\subsection{Delhi Technological}
\descript{B.Tech (Electrical Engineering)}
\location{2022 (expected) | New Delhi, IND}
\subsection{Bal Bharati Public}
\subsection{School, Dwarka}
\descript{CBSE Class XII}
% \location{2017-18 | New Delhi, IND}
\location{Percentage: 91.5 agg}
\subsection{Bal Bharati Public}
\subsection{School, Dwarka}
\descript{CBSE Class X}
% \location{2015-16 | New Delhi, IND}
\location{10 CGPA}
% Facebook:// \href{https://facebook/dd}{\bf dd} \\
Github:// \href{https://github.com/RachitBansal}{\bf RachitBansal} \\
LinkedIn:// \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachit-bansal-564725161}{\bf RachitBansal} \\
% YouTube:// \href{https://www.youtube.com/user/DeedyDash007}{\bf DeedyDash007} \\
% Twitter:// \href{https://twitter.com/debarghya_das}{\bf @debarghya\_das} \\
% Quora:// \href{https://www.quora.com/Debarghya-Das}{\bf Debarghya-Das}
% \section{Coursework}
% \subsection{Graduate}
% Advanced Machine Learning \\
% Open Source Software Engineering \\
% Advanced Interactive Graphics \\
% Compilers + Practicum \\
% Cloud Computing \\
% Evolutionary Computation \\
% Defending Computer Networks \\
% Machine Learning \\
% \sectionsep
% \subsection{Undergraduate}
% Information Retrieval \\
% Operating Systems \\
% Artificial Intelligence + Practicum \\
% Functional Programming \\
% Computer Graphics + Practicum \\
% {\footnotesize \textit{\textbf{(Research Asst. \& Teaching Asst 2x) }}} \\
% Unix Tools and Scripting \\
\subsection{Machine Learning and Deep Learning}
\location{Natural Language Processing:}
\textbullet{} Transformer Models \textbullet{} RNNs and LSTMs \textbullet{} BERT and GLoVe Embeddings \\
% Matlab \textbullet{}
\location{Reinforcement Learning:}
\textbullet{} Q-Learning Neural Networks \textbullet{} D-QNNs \\
\location{Computer Vision:}
\textbullet{} RCNNs, Fast RCNNs, Faster RCNNs \\* \textbullet{} YOLO \textbullet{} CNNs \\
\textbullet{} Tensorflow \textbullet{} PyTorch \textbullet{} Keras \textbullet{} Numpy \\* \textbullet{}
Pandas \textbullet{} Matplotlib \textbullet{} Scrapy \textbullet{} Selenium \\
\textbullet{} Python \\
% \location{.} \\
\subsection{Full-Stack Web Development}
\location{Front End:}
\textbullet{} HTML \textbullet{} CSS\\
% Matlab \textbullet{}
\location{Back End:}
\textbullet{} GET and POST \textbullet{} ejs \textbullet{} Express \\
\location{Database Management:}
\textbullet{} MongoDB \\
\textbullet{} JavaScript \\
% AS3 \textbullet{} iOS \textbullet{} Android \textbullet{} MySQL
% \sectionsep
\runsubsection{Coding Blocks}
\descript{| Teaching Assistant }
\descript{Machine Learning with Deep Learning Course}
\descript{- Built projects and course quizzes in collaboration with mentors.
- Took Machine Learning workshops and bootcamps at Universities all over the country.
- Held up Classes and Doubt Sessions for a batch of around 60 students. }
\location{June 2019 - Present | New Delhi, IND}
% \runsubsection{Coursera}
% \descript{| KPCB Fellow + Software Engineering Intern }
% \location{June 2014 – Sep 2014 | Mountain View, CA}
% \vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space
% \begin{tightemize}
% \item 52 out of 2500 applicants chosen to be a KPCB Fellow 2014.
% \item Led and shipped Yoda - the admin interface for the new Phoenix platform.
% \item Full-stack developer - Wrote and reviewed code for JS using Backbone, Jade, Stylus and Require and Scala using Play
% \end{tightemize}
% \sectionsep
% \runsubsection{Google}
% \descript{| Software Engineering Intern }
% \location{May 2013 – Aug 2013 | Mountain View, CA}
% \begin{tightemize}
% \item Worked on the YouTube Captions team, in Javascript and Python to plan, to design and develop the full stack to add and edit Automatic Speech Recognition captions. In production.
% \item Created a backbone.js-like framework for the Captions editor.
% \end{tightemize}
% \sectionsep
% \runsubsection{Phabricator}
% \descript{| Open Source Contributor \& Team Leader}
% \location{Jan 2013 – May 2013 | Palo Alto, CA \& Ithaca, NY}
% \begin{tightemize}
% \item Phabricator is used daily by Facebook, Dropbox, Quora, Asana and more.
% \item I created the Meme generator and more in PHP and Shell.
% \item Led a team from MIT, Cornell, IC London and UHelsinki for the project.
% \end{tightemize}
% \sectionsep
\runsubsection{Image Captioning Bot}
% \descript{| Researcher}
\location{LSTMs, CNNs, Transfer Learning, Attention Model}
% Worked with \textbf{\href{http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~ashesh/}{Ashesh Jain}} and \textbf{\href{http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~asaxena/}{Prof Ashutosh Saxena}} to create \textbf{PlanIt}, a tool which learns from large scale user preference feedback to plan robot trajectories in human environments.
Created an Image Captioning Bot which outputs a relevant description in response to an input image. Used various CNN Architectures and obtained the best results using Inception-Net.
% \descript{| Head Undergraduate Researcher}
\location{LSTMs, PyTorch, Attention Model}
% Led the development of \textbf{QuickTongue}, the first ever breakthrough tongue-controlled game with \textbf{\href{http://conf.ling.cornell.edu/~tilsen/}{Prof Sam Tilsen}} to aid in Linguistics research.
Made a Chatbot in PyTorch from scratch using the Cornell Movie Dialogue Dataset
\runsubsection{Atari Game Agent using Reinforcement Learning}
% \descript{| Head Undergraduate Researcher}
\location{Double Q-Learning Neural Networks, CNNs, OpenAI-Gym}
% Led the development of \textbf{QuickTongue}, the first ever breakthrough tongue-controlled game with \textbf{\href{http://conf.ling.cornell.edu/~tilsen/}{Prof Sam Tilsen}} to aid in Linguistics research.
Made a Python Game Agent which beats the average human performance score on various Atari Games.
\runsubsection{Text and Novel Generator}
% \descript{| Head Undergraduate Researcher}
\location{RNNs, GLoVe}
% Led the development of \textbf{QuickTongue}, the first ever breakthrough tongue-controlled game with \textbf{\href{http://conf.ling.cornell.edu/~tilsen/}{Prof Sam Tilsen}} to aid in Linguistics research.
A model that returns text of a specified word count and writing style, given textual data of a particular writer. Used Recurrent Neural Networks. \sectionsep
% \descript{| Head Undergraduate Researcher}
\location{CCA, SVC, OpenCV, Firebase}
% Led the development of \textbf{QuickTongue}, the first ever breakthrough tongue-controlled game with \textbf{\href{http://conf.ling.cornell.edu/~tilsen/}{Prof Sam Tilsen}} to aid in Linguistics research.
A model which uses Connected Component Analysis (CCA) and Support Vector Classifier (SVC) to extract the digits on a Number Plate which is further uploaded to Google Firebase to be used in an android application that monitors the vehicle activity in a parking lot.
Created at IIT-Delhi's Paytm Hackathon, 2019.
% \section{Research}
% \runsubsection{Cornell Robot Learning Lab}
% \descript{| Researcher}
% \location{Jan 2014 – Jan 2015 | Ithaca, NY}
% Worked with \textbf{\href{http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~ashesh/}{Ashesh Jain}} and \textbf{\href{http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~asaxena/}{Prof Ashutosh Saxena}} to create \textbf{PlanIt}, a tool which learns from large scale user preference feedback to plan robot trajectories in human environments.
% \sectionsep
% \runsubsection{Cornell Phonetics Lab}
% \descript{| Head Undergraduate Researcher}
% \location{Mar 2012 – May 2013 | Ithaca, NY}
% Led the development of \textbf{QuickTongue}, the first ever breakthrough tongue-controlled game with \textbf{\href{http://conf.ling.cornell.edu/~tilsen/}{Prof Sam Tilsen}} to aid in Linguistics research.
\section{Position of Responsibilities}
% \begin{}{rll}
\runsubsection{Co-Founder} \\
\location{Code To School, an initiative wherein our team collaborates with schools across the country and teach high school students various programming languages and computer science skills.}
\runsubsection{Co-Vice President} \\
\location{D-CODER, The Official Technical Society of DTU}
\runsubsection{Content Head} \\
\location{Sahitya, The Literary and Debating Society of DTU}
% 2013 & 7\textsuperscript{th}/120 & CS 3410 Cache Race Bot Tournament \\
% 2012 & 2\textsuperscript{nd}/150 & CS 3110 Biannual Intra-Class Bot Tournament \\
% 2011 & National & Indian National Mathematics Olympiad (INMO) Finalist \\
% \end{tabu
% \section{Publications}
% \renewcommand\refname{\vskip -1.5em} % Couldn't get this working from the .cls file
% \bibliographystyle{abbrv}
% \bibliography{publications}
% \nocite{*}
\end{document} \documentclass[]{article}