Prajna Prayas Behera's CV
Prajna Prayas Behera
Last Updated:
6 лет назад
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Prajna Prayas Behera's CV

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Prajna Prayas Behera's CV
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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{\Huge Prajna Prayas Behera
%Section: Personal Data
\section{Personal Data}
\textsc{Date of Birth:} & 11 March 1999 \\
\textsc{Address:} & New Colony, Apartibindha,Bhadrak,Odisha \\
\textsc{Phone:} & 8847883151\\
\textsc{email:} & \href{mailto:gituprajna20@gmail.com}{gituprajna20@gmail.com}
\section{Career Objective}
\footnotesize{Adding value to my life by working in an organization that will foster ideas and enhance my knowledge and skills. }
%Section: Education
\textsc{2017-Present} & B.Tech \textsc{ Department of Chemical Engineering},\\ & \textbf{National Institute Of Technology}, Rourkela\\
& Major: Chemical Engineering\\
& \small Advisor: Prof. Pradip Chaudhury\\
&\normalsize \textsc{Gpa}: 7.46/10 \\ \\
\textsc{March 2016} & Intermediate in \textsc{Science},\\ & \textbf{Bhadrak Junior College, Bhadrak}\\&
Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha.\\
&\normalsize \textsc{Percentage}: 87.66
\\ \\
\textsc{March 2014} & Matriculation ,\\ & \textbf{Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Bhadrak}\\&
Board of Seconadary Eduation, Odisha\\
&\normalsize \textsc{Percentage}: 94.66
%section Projects
\textsc{Heat Transfer Enhancement}&\textsc{Current Project}\\ &\footnotesize{Running Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations on ANSYS-FLUENT at various Reynolds numbers to figure out the optimum boundary condition for effective heat transfer in periodically mounted upper and lower obstacles in a channel for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. }
%section Work Experience
\section{Work Experience}
\textsc{Summer 2019}&\textsc{Vocational Trainee at \textbf{SAIL-RSP, Rourkela}}\\ &\footnotesize{I completed my vocational training from SAIL-RSP under the guidance of Senior Manger P.K Sethy; Coke Oven Department. During the month long training form May to June there I learnt in depth about \textbf{Coke Ovens} and the process of \textbf{Manufacturing Coal Chemicals} from Coke Ovens by-product. }\\\multicolumn{2}{c}{}
\section{Technical Skills}
General Programming:& Python, C \\
Other Software: &ANSYS-FLUENT, MS-Office, VS-Code, Sublime Text\\
\section{Professional Developement}
& Completed a MOOC on \textbf{A Hands-on introduction to Enginnering Simulations} by Cornell University on edx.org. \\
\section{Soft Skills}
\textsc{Languages} &English - Professional Fluency\\&Hindi - Basic Fluency \\&Odia - Mother Tongue\\ \\
\textsc{Soft Skills} &Excellent Analytical Skills \\ &Capability to rapidly build trust \\ &Take calculated risks\end{tabular}
\section{Extra Curricular Activities}
\textsc{Entrepreneurship Cell} & \emph{Core Co-ordinator , 2019 - 20}\\&\footnotesize{Entrepreneurship Cell or popularly known as the E-Cell is the student body that provides support and the resources to the budding entrepreneurs of the institute. I joined the Cell in my sophomore year. I have contributed in arranging the club events throughout the year by writing proper Social Media Content and Posts. }\\ \\
\textsc{Orofix-Start UP} & \emph{2018-19}\\&\footnotesize{Orofix- It was my own start up that primarily focused on hassle-free mobile phone repairing service at a reasonable price. I worked on the project with a friend of mine doing market research and pitching at FTBI and other competitions. With rigorous brainstroming and market research we concluded the service based business model is not viable for Rourkela Market and the expected operating cost overshot 4.5 lakh per annum. Therefore it was scrapped.}\\ \\
%\section{Extra Curricular Activities}
%Section: Scholarships and additional info
\section{Scholarships and Certificates}
\textsc{November} 2018 & Competition Name - Start Up Hunt-Innovation Carnival \normalsize\\&\footnotesize{Secured 7th position in pitching competition out of 30 teams from both NIT and outside. }
\section{Interests and Activities}
International Relations, World History, Geopolitics\\
Fiction book reading on Intelligent Thrillers/Adventures/Mysteries.\\
Watching spy-military, espionage, sci-fi movies and documentaries.\\
Cricket, Memes\\
Technology, Reddit
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