Cifras Significativas
Juan Diego
Last Updated:
11 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Suma, resta, multiplicación y división.

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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\usepackage[spanish, es-tabla]{babel}
%Paquetes necesarios para tablas
%Paquete para el manejo de las unidades
\sisetup{output-decimal-marker = {,}, per-mode = symbol, qualifier-mode = phrase, qualifier-phrase = { de }}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \atmosphere{atm}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \pound{lb}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \inch{"}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \foot{ft}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \yard{yd}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \mile{mi}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \pint{pt}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \quart{qt}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \flounce{fl-oz}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \ounce{oz}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \degreeFahrenheit{\SIUnitSymbolDegree F}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \degreeRankine{\SIUnitSymbolDegree R}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \usgallon{galón}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \uma{uma}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \ppm{ppm}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \eqg{eq-g}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \normal{\eqg\per\liter\of{solución}}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \molar{\mole\per\liter}
\DeclareSIUnit[number-unit-product = \;] \molal{\mole\per\kilo\gram\of{solvente}}
%Paquetes necesarios para imágenes, pies de página, etc.
%Paquete para incluir el archivo con la bibliografía
%Inicio del documento%
\item Realice las siguientes operaciones según las cifras significativas:
a)2.34+6.345+1.00+0.009 b)92.01-2.45-0.99 c)1.45*3.33*0.001 d)25.432/2.35
a)2.34+6.345+1.00+0.009= 9.7
b)92.01-2.45-0.99= 88.57
(Problema adaptado por Juan Diego Páez Díaz - Estudiante de I semestre de ingeriería civil - I 2014)