Bahria University Cafe Model V.1
orangzaib mirza
Last Updated
6 лет назад
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
(Project report) A university Cafe Model for Boys and Girls Students to eat and drink food.
(Project report) A university Cafe Model for Boys and Girls Students to eat and drink food.
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\title{Bahria University Cafe Model V.1}
\author{Muhammad Orangzaib}
This model is created in Netlogo 6.0.2 which is used to create the Agent Based Models. This is the first version of a model. In this initial version of "Bahria University Cafe Model" we design number of male and female agents, the exact locations of tables and the number of seating places. Students come and sit on the locations following the path between tables only. And then after random time, they leave the cafe. Male and Female students do not sit on the same side.
The rules of this model are exact locations of tables and the number of seating places. Students come and sit on the locations following the path between tables only. And then after random time, they leave the cafe. Male and Female students do not sit on the same side.
\section{Use of Model}
Choose the number of male students and also the number of female students. Examine the moving time of students to their seating places and how much time they spend in cafe and returned. Then press the setup button to initialize the model and press go button to run the simulation of model.
\section{Bahria University Cafeteria Model Design In Netlogo}
See "Bahria University Cafeteria Model Design in Netlogo" in figure 1. In this model interface had two buttons one is setup used to initialize the model and then second button is go which is used to run the simulations. Then two sliders are used to control the number of male and female student agents. This model contain four tables in a cafeteria and seven chairs on each table both sides. Students go to the cafeteria order some food, eat food and went out.
\caption{\label{fig:model} Bahria University Cafe Model Version 1.}
\section{ODD Model of "Bahria University Cafeteria"}
ODD stands for Overview, Design concept, and Details. It was first developed by V.Grimm et al. in 2006. The model got updated in 2010. ODD is a technique i.e. textually based specification which is used for documenting Agent Based Models (ABM). ODD model provides a checklist which wraps up the important features of the model. It mainly consists of three features i.e. Overview, Design concept, and Detail. These three features are further divided into other subparts.
\section{Specification according to ODD}
The basic purpose is to understand the combination of agent based and exploratory agent based modeling approaches that can be used to simulate Bahria University Cafe Model. The next step would be validating the model with respect to the real world entities.
There are several types of agents involved,
\item Number of male students
\item Number of female students
\item Number of waiters
\item Number of tables
\item Number of chairs
The Bahria University Cafeteria concept is deployed for students refreshments. Students come to the cafe, eat and drink.
\subsection{Design Concepts}
\subsubsection{Basic principles}
The basic hypothesis of the model is that an exploratory agent based approach is good for modeling this model. In our case we used a combination of agent based and exploratory agent based modeling approaches.
This factor gives the information about the expected behavior of the model i.e. what will be the output of the model.
This feature shows the decision making ability of the agents in different environments.
The main objective this model are exact locations of tables and the number of seating places. Students come and sit on the locations following the path between tables only. And then after random time, they leave the cafe. Male and Female students do not sit on the same side.
\section{Results And Discussion}
\subsection{Behavior Space Experiments}
Behavior space experiment with first parameter, numbers of male students
\caption{\label{fig:1S} Behavior space with 20 cycles number of male students of Bahria University Cafe Model Version 1.}
Behavior space experiment with second parameter, numbers of male students
\caption{\label{fig:2S} Behavior space with 20 cycles number of female students of Bahria University Cafe Model Version 1.}
Behavior space experiment with first parameter, number of male students
\caption{\label{fig:1S} Behavior space with 30 cycles number of male students of Bahria University Cafe Model Version 1.}
Behavior space experiment with second parameter, numbers of male students
\caption{\label{fig:2S} Behavior space with 30 cycles number of female students of Bahria University Cafe Model Version 1.}
This is a first version of Bahira University Cafeteria Model. In this model, exact locations of tables and the number of seating places. Students come and sit on the locations following the path between tables only. And then after random time, they leave the cafe. Male and Female students do not sit on the same side. We also update this model in second version of the model.